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Getting started the right way.
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Section Introduction
Three Phases of a Death Investigation (4 minutes)
Medicolegal Death Investigation and Authority (7minutes)
Quiz: Medicolegal Death Investigation and Authority
Interacting with other agencies (10 minutes)
Interacting with families (8 minutes)
Quiz:Professional Interactions
Bonus eBook - Interview and Interrogation- getting information you want
NIJ Publication - Death Investigation Procedures
NIJ Publication - Mass Fatality Incidents
Establishing Decedent Identity (19 minutes)
Case Reviews of Unidentified Persons (13 minutes)
Unidentified Person Case Review - Tattoos and Social Media (10 minutes)
Quiz: Establishing Decedent Identity
Proper Death Notification Procedures Part 1 (19 minutes)
Proper Death Notification Procedures Part 2 (15 minutes)
Death Notification - We regret to inform you (5 minutes)
Quiz: Proper Death Notification Practices
Introduction to Special Notifications (1 minute)
Specialized Notifications - Homicide (6 minutes)
Specialized Notifications - Suicide (7 minutes)
Specialized Notifications - Child Death (2 minutes)
Specialized Notifications - In Group Deaths (4 minutes)
Specialized Notifications - In Custody Deaths (2 minutes)
Specialized Notifications - Medical Errors, Workplace, and Mass Casualty Deaths (10 minutes)
Death notification: Breaking the bad news
Introduction to Critical Mistakes at Death Scenes
#1 - Improper Response and Arrival to the Scene (5 minutes)
#2 - Failing to Protect the Crime Scene (3 minutes)
#3 - Not Handling Suspicious Deaths and Homicides (3 minutes)
#4 - Responding with a Preconceived Notion (4 minutes)
#5 - Failing to Take Sufficient Number of Photographs (3 minutes)
#6 - Failing to Manage the Crime Scene Process (8 minutes)
#7 - Failing to Properly Evaluate Evidence (3 minutes)
#8 - Failing to Properly Assess the Scene (5 minutes)
#9 - Failing to Evaluate Victimology (7 minutes)
#10 - Failing to Conduct an Efficient Area Canvass (3 minutes)
#11 - Failing to Work Together as a Team (6 minutes)
#12 - Command and Administrative Staff Interfering (3 minutes)
Concluding Comments
Quiz: 12 Critical Mistakes Made at a Death Scene
Section Introduction- Scene Management and Documentation
Scene Arrival and Security (22 minutes)
Intial Scene Walk Through (9 minutes)
The Investigative Triangle (6 minutes)
Quiz: Scene Arrival and Management
Documenting the Scene - Photographs, Sketching, and Notes (26 minutes)
Crime Scene Sketching Methods and Use
Crime Scene Sketching Methods and Use (Downloadable)
Quiz: Documenting the Scene
Scene Sketch Assignment Explanation
Create a Scene Sketch
Classification of Evidence
Physical v. Non-Physical Evidence
Known v. Unknown Evidence
Identifying Evidence and Chain of Custody (26 minutes)
Securing the most important piece of evidence- The Body (6 minutes)
Quiz: Evidence and Chain of Custody
Evidence Packaging
Packaging Sharp Objects (8 minutes)
Packaging Powder and Liquid (5 minutes)
Packaging Bullets and Pistols (12 minutes)
Collecting Hairs and Fibers (14 minutes)
Determining Time of Death Part 1 (33 minutes)
Determining Time of Death Part 2 (25 minutes)
Stages of post mortem changes
Forensic Entomology
Body Temperature - Algor Mortis
Eyeball Changes
Quiz: Determining Time of Death
Cause and Manner Section Intro
Defining Cause, Manner, and Mechanism of Death (5 minutes)
Implications in Cause and Manner Rulings ( 15 minutes)
Implications in Time of Death Rulings (10 minutes)
Canton Ohio Firefighter Suicide - Implication Example
Daniel Kerrigan - Homicide Ruling Implications
Quiz: Defining Cause, Manner, and Mechanism of Death
Section introduction
External Body Exam and Documentation Part 1 (14 minutes)
External Body Exam and Documentation Part 2 (13 minutes)
Documenting BPA Prior to Moving the Body (3 minutes)
External Body Exam Demonstration of an Adult (8 minutes)
External Body Exam Demonstration of an infant (10 minutes)
Thermal Injuries
Post Mortem Changes Time Line
Surgical Artifacts
Resuscitative Artifacts
Forensic Body Exam Charts
Rule of 9's Burn Documentation
Obtaining and Documenting Post-Mortem Body Temperature (7 minutes)
Quiz: External Body and Documentation
Introduction to Toxicology Fluid Draws
Fluid Draw Demonstrations (11 minutes)
Quiz: Drawing Fluids for Toxicology
Introduction to Forensic and Scientific Knowledge Section
Understanding Basic Anatomy and Physiology (11 Minutes)
Basic Anatomy Charts and Diagrams
Medical Terminology
Glossary of Commonly Used Terms
Quiz: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Understanding the Sciences Used in Death Investigation.
Understanding the Sciences Used in Death Investigation Part 1 (15 minutes)
Understanding the Sciences Used in Death Investigation Part 2 (15 minutes)
Anthropology (12 minutes)
Facial Approximations
Forensic Entomology (7 minutes)
Forensic Botany (1 minute)
Forensic Odontology (5 minutes)
Quiz: Sciences Used in Death Investigation
Introduction and Course Objectives (7 minutes)
What is BPA and how is it used (10 minutes)
Overall goal of basic BPA (5 minutes)
Quiz: What it BPA
Fundamental Principles of BPA (7 minutes)
BPA Terminology - with case examples *Part one (24 minutes)
BPA Terminology - with case examples *Part two (20 minutes)
Quiz: Fundamentals of blood pattern analysis
Bloodstain pattern documentation (7 minutes)
Photographing bloodstains and patterns (9 minutes)
Quiz: Documenting Scene Information
How it all works from actual cases (30 minutes)
Final Word for Instructor (2 minutes)
Blood Pattern Resource Book (2 minutes)
BPA Terminology
Photographing Crime Scenes
Cutting and Stabbing Introduction
Forensic Overview of Cutting and Stabbing Injury Part 1 (16 minutes)
Forensic Overview of Cutting and Stabbing Injury Part 2 (15 minutes)
Forensic Overview of Cutting and Stabbing Injury Part 3 (20 minutes)
Forensic Overview of Cutting and Stabbing Injury Part 4 (20 minutes)
Forensic Overview of Cutting and Stabbing Injury Part 5 (15 minutes)
Quiz: Forensic Overview of Cutting and Stabbing Injury
Blunt and Sharp Force Injury Classifications
NIJ Report - Characterization of Weapons Used in Stabbing/Slashing Attacks
Checking in - Half way Point
Check Out Academy Swag
Free Monthly Newsletter
Introduction of Gunshot Injury Investigation
Gunshot Injury - Scene Investigation (20 minutes)
Range of Fire and Trajectory (20 minutes)
Gunshot Wound Interpretation (20 minutes)
Documenting Injury and Summary (20 minutes)
Quiz: Gunshot Injury
Gun Diagrams
Introduction and summary (2 minutes)
Suicide by Methods and Groups (7 minutes)
What is Suicide and Degrees of Certainty (18 minutes)
Quiz: What is Suicide
Scene Evaluations as it Relates to Suicides (20 minutes)
Quiz: Scene Evaluation
Staged and Altered Scenes (18 minutes)
Quiz: Staged and Altered Scenes
Understanding Victimology and How it is Used in Suicide Investigations (25 minutes)
Child and Adolescent Suicide (12 minutes)
Quiz: Victimology and Child Suicide
Suicide by Carbon Monoxide and Gases (8 minutes)
Suicide by Overdose (12 minutes)
Cutting and Stabbing Suicide (10 minutes)
Quiz: Suicide by Method
Section Intro Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene
Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene Part 1 (28 minutes)
Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene Part 2 (20 minutes)
Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene Part 3 (25 minutes)
Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene Part 4 (18 minutes)
Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene Part 5 (26 minutes)
Quiz: Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene
Case Review 1
Case Review 2
Bonus eBook * Autoerotic Fatalities - Interpreting and Scene
Autoerotic Fatalities: Interview Questions to Consider
Downloadable -Autoerotic Fatalities: Interview Questions to Consider
Section Introduction
Defining Asphyxial Death an Classification (2 minutes)
Mechanical Asphyxiation - Hanging (15 minutes)
Ligature and Manual Strangulation (9 minutes)
Smothering, Gagging, Choking, and Drowning (6 minutes)
Inert Gas Asphyxiation (7 minutes)
Environmental Asphyxiation (11 minutes)
Pathological Asphyxiation (7 minutes)
Quiz: Asphyxial Death
Section Intro Infant and Child Death
Why Infant Death Investigation Training is Important (20 minutes)
SIDS v. SUIDI (6 minutes)
Multidisciplinary Approach to Infant Death Investigation (5 minutes)
Quiz: The Importance of Infant Death Investigation Training
Investigator Mental Health - Part One (18 minutes)
Investigator Mental Health Part Two (16 minutes)
Quiz: When a Child Dies
Initial Arrival on Scene (20 minutes)
Quiz: Scene Arrival
Communication with Family (14 minutes)
Understanding Developmental Milestones (8 minutes)
Quiz: Development Milestones and Aging Marks and Bruising
Understanding Abusive Head Trauma - Shaken Baby Syndrome (9 minutes)
Child Abuse and Infanticide (7 minutes)
Injuries and Post-Mortem Changes (22 minutes)
Infant Injury Examples (12 minutes)
Quiz: External Body Exam and Documenting Injuries
Gathering Information at the Scene (18 minutes)
Witness Statements (6minutes)
Care Giver Rolls and Scene Reenactments (14 minutes)
Quiz: Scene and Witness Statements
Identifying and Collecting Evidence Part-One (18 minutes)
Identifying and Collecting Evidence Part-Two (6 minutes)
Quiz: Identifying and Collecting Evidence
Death by Age Groups (15 minutes)
Childhood Suicide (7minutes)
Quiz: Differing Causes of Death
Coroner and ME Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting
SUIDI Scene Form
SUIDI Additional Scene Forms
Child Forensic Body Charts (downloadable)
Placed - Found Placards (downloadable)
eBook: Overcoming Defense Expert Testimony in Abusive Head Trauma Cases
Section Intro Principles of Report Writing
Practical importance of investigative reports (5 minutes)
Characteristics of an effective final report (6 minutes)
Field Notes (8minutes)
7 tips for improving your spelling and grammar (6 minutes)
Principles of Investigative Report Writing Part 1 (14 minutes)
Principles of Investigative Report Writing Part 2 (13 minutes)
Report Writing in Death Cases
How to write organized and concise reports
Quiz: Principles of Investigative Report Writing
Example of a report that needs work
Scene Narrative Assignment Explanation
Scene Investigation Narrative
Section Intro. Court Room Preparation and Testimony
Court Room Preparation and Testimony Part 1 (12 minutes)
Court Room Preparation and Testimony Part 2 (10 minutes)
NJCLES Effective Courtroom Testimony (9minutes)
Credibility – How credible do you appear
Quiz: Court Room Preparation and Testimony
Professionalism and Ethics Section Introduction
Professional and Ethical Conduct (22 minutes)
Attributes of a Successful Investigator (17 minutes)
Ethics in Investigation and Law Enforcement
Quiz: Professionalism and Ethics
Mental Preparation Introduction (2 minutes)
Every Case - Every Time (15 minutes)
Mental Preparation (19 minutes)
Quiz: Its not an emergency if you have a plan
Leadership v. Management (15 minutes)
Managing the Investigation (10 minutes)
Quiz: Leadership and Scene Management
Section Intro Cultural Diversity and Death Investigation
Cultural Diversity and Death Investigation Video 1 (21 minutes)
Cultural Diversity and Death Investigation Video 2 ( 22 minutes)
Quiz: Cultural Diversity and Death Investigation
Cultural Diversity and Death Investigation Video 3 (32 minutes)
Quiz: Cultural Diversity and Death Investigation
Cultural Diversity Guide Book
Section Introduction
Basic Principles of Conflict (11 minutes)
Five Primary Causes of Conflict (19 minutes)
Knowing When Conflict is Out of Line (14 minutes)
Quiz: Principles and Causes of Conflict
How Conflict is Resolved ( 14 minutes)
Qualities of a Peacemaker (20 minutes)
Quiz: Resolving Conflict
Section Intro
Job Related Stress Part 1-4 (30 minutes)
Job Related Stress Part 2-4 (30 minutes)
Job Related Stress Part 3-4 (25 minutes)
Job Related Stress Part 4-4 (25 minutes)
Quiz: Job Related Stress
Breaking the Grip of Compassion Fatigue
Congratulations, What's next?
Final Exam
Final Exam Verification
Certification Exam Application Process
Exam Application Process
Law Enforcement CLEE Request

Accredited Training

Expert Instructors

Multi-Platform Compatible

We have developed hundreds of investigators from all skill levels

Our students have grown their skills by taking our course. Here is what just a few had to say.

Fantastic Content

I was very impressed with the format and the content contained in this course. I thought the course taught me far more than what I learned having previously attended our local law enforcement academy. The training was more focused on what I NEEDED to learn instead of a broad overview of stuff irrelevant to my job. I would definitely recommend this course to future investigators!

Justin B.

Great Course!

Throughout my 23 years in emergency services, I have taken numerous online courses. This was by far one of the easiest-to-use and best-structured courses I've ever taken. Even if you're not pursuing an MDI, all branches of Emergency Services would learn useful knowledge from this course.

Jesse D.

Thank you for your passion and expertise

Coming from a complete Medical background, having a minimal background in law enforcement with most of my experience in Forensics, and master's in the Natural and Biological Sciences I find the Academy to be everything it says it represents. Thank you All for your vision, passion, expertise, and instruction.

Theodore Z.

Relevant and expanded my knowledge

Great information was presented! I did feel like some of the info given was repetitive and could be condensed into the same section instead of repeated. However, the information presented was relevant and expanded my knowledge of death investigations. I am very excited to use what I have learned and apply it to my job and take the certification in the future.

Jessica G.

Best courses I've ever taken

This is one of the best courses I've ever taken. The content, presentation, and instruction are excellent. I don't believe there is a better course on the market to prepare you for a career in the field of Death Investigation.

Jack S.

Such concise and thorough information!

I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in this field. I’m a forensic nurse looking to get into death investigation. Darren is very knowledgeable and detailed. He knows his stuff and presents it in a fun way! I feel confident in moving forward in my career.

Diondra M.

Best decision that I have made!

Joining the Medicolegal Death Investigator Academy was one of the best decisions that I have made! The information that I learned was so beneficial and informative. I am excited to begin searching for a career where I can apply the knowledge that I have gained from this academy!

Courtney E.

Great Course!

An excellent overview of death investigation practices also delves into the lesser explored sides of this field, such as inter-agency relations, interpersonal relations with coworkers, how to handle stress, and even how to prepare for courtroom testimony; a well-rounded course in all.

Allen C


Hi, I'm Darren
I created this Academy for people just like you...

I’ve been in the world of death investigation for over 35 years. I worked as a law enforcement investigator and a medicolegal death investigator for the Coroner/M.E office. I found a few years ago that training specifically for death investigation was limited or non-existent in many areas. My love for teaching and desire to leave this field better than I found it resulted in the academy you are now a part of.

Whether you are here to hone the skills you already have or are ready to get the training you need to start your career, I promise to do all I can to make you a better investigator.


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