4.7 /5

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Recognizing and Combating STS Section Intro
Job Related Stress Part 1-4 (30 minutes)
Job Related Stress Part 2-4 (30 minutes)
Job Related Stress Part 3-4 (25 minutes)
Job Related Stress Part 4-4 (25 minutes)
Quiz: Recognizing and Combating STS
Breaking the Grip of Compassion Fatigue
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Law Enforcement CLEE Request

4.7 /5

  • Ronald
    Combating Secondary Traumatic stress

    Very good points made in handling stress.

  • Colleen
    Good info

    Hard topic fully explored.

  • Donnie
    It was great.

    I came away with a lot of ideas that will help in dealing with job-related stress

  • Julianna
    Great Course

  • Wendell
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress


  • David
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stres

  • Raymond


  • Chris
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

  • Ben
    Compassion Fatigue

  • Jennifer

    Maybe just add in a few demonstrative aids or other slides to keep the viewers attention.

  • Ricky
    point on

    Very informative, I myself found some of the points in my life. Having 24 years paramedic and 7 DMEI. Thanks

  • Ronald
    Great base of knowledge

    This will provide insight to help you on a daily basis

  • Savannah
    Good course


  • Bobbi Jo
    Good topic

  • Billy
    Great info.

    I would recommend this to others in a high stress environment

  • Rolando

  • Chris


  • Tiffany

  • Kristine

    The constant referral to a "higher power" is a bit offputting to those of us who do not believe in one.

  • scotty


  • Jeffrey
    Good con-ed

  • troy

    Very good class, gives you an insight into how we need to be able to handle stress in a job that it high stress and demanding of all who work in it.

  • Brittany
    Good info

    This course had a lot of great and important information, however, it did not need to be 2 hours long. I felt that a lot of the information was repeated indifferent verbiage.

  • Shiloh
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Excellent information and presentation.

  • Lake
    very interesting

    very interesting

  • Laura
    It is an on-point title for this class

    Great information.

  • Krysten
    Secondary Trauma

    I think this course was great however, the primary focus was law enforcement. As someone in a different field (I am an ED RN who provides forensic care to victims and families and is currently working toward field investigation and death investigation) I think it would be beneficial if information covered more broad of a spectrum and had quests who specialize in these fields (trauma informed care, secondary trauma) etc. as the course seemed to be more of a personal opinion.

  • DeeAnn
    recognizing and combating secondary traumatic stress


  • Keith
    Secondary Traumatic Stress

    many excellent suggestions and great information.

  • Bernard


  • Marl
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    I learn better when I am relaxed. This course does just that.

  • Russell
    Excellent overview

    Very appropriate for all first responders; fairly well covered in a pretty comprehensive yet easy to understand way.

  • Jonathan
    The title fits the topic

    It was an informative discution. The speakers gave good ideas and new ways to look at the stress problems.

  • Craig
    Combating stress

    Good class. I have taught stress relief to EMS, Fire, and Law Enforcement for many years. I learned some new info to help others. Thanks

  • Derrick
    Absolutely On Point

  • Blake
    very good information

    Accurate title

    Very relatable. Gives great ideas to cope with the stress and what to look for in others.

  • Carine

    Altough recognising all those syptoms, me being glad to already have taken actions against STS, by talking and taking care of my health. Thanks!

  • Andrew
    Title is fine.

    The panel interview is hard to sit through for almost 2 hours.

  • Jerry
    Possibly the most vital course in the program.

    Great discussion of the mental health issues facing last responders as well as first responders.

  • Michael
    Great information

    Well taught and very important information. Thanks so much

  • Earl
    Title was apporpriate for this course.

  • Angela
    Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    very informative

  • lisa

    Learned several new things

  • Rachel
    title appropriate to the course

    watching two people have a conversation for two hours is not very engaging no matter how important the subject matter. I have taken many courses and this is my least favorite very painful

  • Jody
    Gives a lot to honk about


  • Bolaji
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Highly educative

  • grant

  • Jimmy
    It’s good

    Covered the session well

  • Chaplain Don
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Great Course !!!

  • Seth
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Enjoyed the class

  • Michael
    Compassion Fatigue

    This was a wonderful course. When going through this, I saw some of the signs in myself to work on.

  • brett
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress


  • Jennifer
    Intriguing and thought provoking title. Draws you in to want to discover more.

    The content of the presentation/discussion was eye and mind opening. The solutions and suggestions were on point and well thought out.

  • Bob
    Compasion Fatigue

    Thought it was boring to much conversation over a period of time. Bullet points could have been used on screen to emphasized the points that they were trying to get out to officer. Bullet p[oints on screen could help keep up the interest of the officer taking the class

  • Rodney
    recogning and combating secondary traumatic stress

    this was a very great class that has help myself look at how i look at myself on how im reacting to things going on in my life i spent 33yrs in fire service and seen alot now deputy coroner you got to get yourself prepared and this video has help thanks

    Medicolegal Death Investigator

    I noticed I exhibit some of the behaviors described in this video. I will pay more attention to many of the points that were discussed. Thank you

  • Steve
    PTSD is real

    I now have it from watching this video. I did not enjoy the way this class was done. The expert was continuously talked over by someone that I felt was not an expert in the field. The presentation is nothing new I have been recieving this information for the last 10 years. Here is the thing that you all are missing in everyone of these presentations. By telling us that we will lose everything (wife/husband, job, money) this is the totally wrong way to go about it. You need to connect with the ones in trouble and I can tell you right now these are not the people that watch your videos. It is not the ones that are talking to councilors, friends and family. You are missing the boat and this is why PTSD or ShellShock is suck a big deal. This video is not the way to combat the issues.

  • Ken
    Recognizing and combating secondary traumatic stress

    I think it was very good, I'm a retired Police SSgt who is now a chief deputy coroner and realize now the importance of what was said. I would not realized or thought much of the subject probably fifteen years ago so I really liked what was said and agree with all due to experience and time I've had with this type of career.

  • James
    Death Investigator

    Great course. Lots of good information.

  • Cristina
    Good course

    Very informative.

  • Regina
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Focused on compassion fatigue and how to deal with short term and long term stress.

  • Ron

    This was an excellent presentation. While not in the field s an MDI, yet, I recognized many of these signs in myself when I was a respiratory therapist. I highly recommend this course for all that serve the public.

  • John
    My opinion

    Very in depth and tried to touch on several issues in a shotgun format. This probably could have been either broken down further or expanded into a longer course with more information passed. Overall, a 5 star for content, 4.5 for organization and depth.

  • Gary
    wright on

    really good subject but it could be done in less time.

  • Brandon Isaiah
    Review of Online Course

    Great course with great insight from both individuals. Loved the interest showed by both speakers towards the subject rather than some boring discussion.

  • Samuel
    It was real good. Talking about traumatic stress

    It was a good help.

  • Noelle
    Descriptive and Accurate!

    The forum was great and different from a traditional class which was nice. The material was very helpful and addressed how to not only recognize but prevent letting it get the better of you.

  • Vonnie
    very good course

    Good instructors

  • Susan
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Gives you a lot to think about

  • Edwin
    Title is appropriate

    Training was on point and good. Not sure how to do it but consider interjecting something other than just talking - most cops I know, unless this training was mandatory would shut it out.

  • Ashley
    This course was very relatable in the field I deal with.

  • Larissa
    Great training

  • Laura
    Great information

    Very informative

  • Cortnie

    much needed for a crime scene technician.

  • Natalie
    Good subject matter

    Felt like there was a political bias within the context thought.

  • Rodney

    informative but boring

  • Danny


  • Eric
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Enjoyed it a lot of great information and beneficial

  • Brandon
    Excellent topic and great information

    Good content and in depth discussion about the issue

  • Brittany
    Important information

    I really found this helpful and informative. Super Important for each person in this line of work.

  • Carl
    Appropriate for the course

    I thought it was informative and this class should be mandatory for police executives.

  • Clyde
    Extremely helpful

    The information provided and demonstrated in this course was very meaningful and well received in the crucial time in our world.

  • Melissa

    The annual vacation, quarterly staycation, and monthly daycation are great ideas here! These items really allow someone to take a step away from "real world" or job related stresses and concerns, allowing them to relax and enjoy the outdoors, or whatever interests they have. This might bring back old memories or create new ones. Time well spent away from the jobs and stresses of today's world are some of the best happy-places we can find. GREAT INFORMATION AND INSIGHT!! Thank You!

  • Beverly


  • Roy
    Good subject matter

  • Patti


  • Jamal


  • Dominic


  • jessie
    Something no one has talked about in my circle.

    I intend to use what I have learned to my daily life.

  • Carley
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Great training! Thank you for the useful tips and suggestions in combating stress and burnout.

  • Herman
    Valuable information

  • Tammy
    excellent information

    Good information for any Responder.

  • Lorne Keith
    Title accurately describes the content.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this class! Everyone should be required to take this course.

  • Brett
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary traumatic stress

    Good class. this is a good basic/first type class to become familiar with Secondary Traumatic Stress

  • Jimmy
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Good class

  • Lawrence
    Secondary Traumatic Stress

    The course was well presented and covered all areas of PTSD and front line affects.

  • Charles
    Recognizing and Combating Secondary and Truamatic Stress

    It was awesome. I took lots of notes and I will take advantage of the advice given to be better at being a deputy coroner and office manager.

  • Bettie
    Brings Awareness to Combating Secondary Traumatic Stress

    Helpful in many ways. Enjoyed the training.

  • Sue

    was very informative and gave me some ideas that I had not thought about to help with the day to day stress and how it affects my mentaL HEALTH.

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